First hands-on workshop focusing on introducing Robotic-Assisted Knee Surgery
Date : 22 May 2022
Over the weekend, #TeamALTY held our first hands-on workshop focusing on introducing Robotic-Assisted Knee Surgery to our referring partners. The workshop presented 5 stations focusing on various key orthopaedic-related areas which included knee implants, hip implants, wound care station as well as one station on the sawbone usage of the Navio robotic-assisted robot.
Participants were able to learn from our ALTY joints surgeons who facilitated this workshop, and were able to carry out certain mock procedures as well. The facilitating surgeons included Dato’ Dr. Badrul Badaruddin, Assoc. Prof. (C) Dr. G Ruslan Nazaruddin Simanjuntak, Dr. Sureshan Sivananthan and Dr. Mark Chong.
ALTY will continue to bring more hands-on workshops as part of our dedicated efforts to increase knowledge-sharing within the orthopaedic healthcare industry. industry.